Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Unusual Marketing Ideas

Here's an idea for anyone who:
Remembers what a public library is...
Donates used books to friends/relatives/charity...
Finds themselves in any waiting area that contains books/periodicals for public perusal...

Business Card Bookmarks! Either your standard business card (remember, get them to take/keep it by adding a calendar on the back!!), or design postcards, flat invitations, etc. so you can cut them into bookmarks ~ here:! Just leave your promotional bookmark in any reading material and spread your message!!

You'll get regular emails with all kinds of great 'free' marketing materials that allow you to be creative with your advertising on a shoestring budget. Sure, you pay a processing fee and shipping charge but it's still a great variety for less than your local print shop! I have
ordered a dozen times ~ always the cheapest 21 day processing ~ and have never waited more than 10 days for delivery!!! (...or paid more than $25.70 processing/shipping for up to 10 "free" types of marketing
materials!!!!!!!!!!) ☺

Bypass all the partner marketing offers... some folks claim to have had strange billing on their credit cards after clicking on the partner offers. Of course, they agreed to automatically enroll by signing up for the partner offer, but it's easier to place blame elsewhere! This is a GREAT business resource!

Order now for holiday shopping season!!!
Business best,

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